Male Pattern Balding (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Male Pattern Balding (Androgenetic Alopecia)

Male pattern hair loss is the most common type of hair loss experienced in males. In severe cases it may start as soon as puberty but typically increases in incidence and severity with age. It is a progressive condition that commonly causes hair loss in a patterned distribution starting at the frontal, temporal or crown areas. Male pattern balding has a strong genetic component, meaning that there is often a relative that would have experienced a similar type of hair loss.  

What causes Male Pattern Balding?

Androgenetic alopecia in males occurs as a result of a genetic sensitivity to a hormone known as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is a metabolite of testosterone. This causes hair follicles to become smaller and thus the hairs that they produce become shorter and finer. If intervention is delayed the condition does progress to permanent follicle loss. These fine hairs, known as miniaturised hairs,  provide less coverage over the scalp and give the appearance of progressively receding hairlines and a reduced overall density of scalp hair 

How to treat Male Pattern Balding?

Male pattern hair loss is fortunately the most studied type of alopecia with the largest range of available evidence-based therapies to stop the progression of the condition and to assist in the regrowth of hair follicles. We believe that cornerstone of managing any condition is to treat the root cause of the problem. Our therapies are targeted at improving overall scalp health, minimising the effects of DHT, reducing inflammation, increasing the blood and nutrient supply to follicles, to restore and revive hair follicles. 

Our most popular and successful treatments for male hair loss include:

Initially a thorough consultation is done, along with a close assessment of the scalp and hair to assess whether additional factors are contributing to accelerating the hair loss. Once the diagnosis is confirmed our trained doctors create a treatment that is individualised to your specific case and desired results.

Explore your available options for male hair loss treatments here:

  • Hair Transplantation: Using the FUE method we are able to permanently restore hair with a natural result. 
  • Growth Factor Therapy: These include natural growth factors that we are able to process from your own blood (PRP) as well as synthetic hair specific growth factors.  
  • Topical and Oral Medications  
  • Scalp stimulation: Using micro-needling and advanced hair specific polynucleotides.  
  • Hair Mesotherpay: Introducing a rich supply of nutrients directly to the skin surrounding hair follicles to provide them with the ingredients required to grow. 
  • Hair Replacement Systems: This is reserved to patients who are non-ideal candidates for hair transplant, providing them with an instant solution to a full head of hair.

What is FUE Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair transplant surgery is a procedure whereby we are able to restore hair loss that occurs as a result of male patterned hair loss. The hair loss on the top of the scalp occurs due to a hormone known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone), certain hair in the body is able to resist this hormone, such as that on the sides and back of the scalp. During the procedure we remove hair from these resistant areas and implant them into the areas that have experienced loss. These new hairs in the area retain their ability to resist DHT and will grow permanently in the new sites.

FUE (follicular unit extraction) refers to a safe and effective modern technique for hair transplantation that allows for a natural looking result and minimises the potential for scarring. In FUE hair follicles are extracted individually with a small device (0.8mm) to allow for the dense re-insertion of follicles. This is a major improvement from older techniques such as FUT or strip type transplants which leave visible scarring.

Who is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery?

Males who have or are experiencing male patterned hair loss. This typically starts with thinning at the temple area or over the crown and tends to spread towards the opposite end. Hair transplant can be done for female patients for hairline lowering.

It is advised to wait until at least the age of 25 before having a transplant, this allows us to project how the hair will change over time to ensure we give a natural and lasting result.

It is possible to transplant in very advanced patterns of baldness but expectations need to be managed prior to proceeding with the case as often there will not be enough donor hair available to densely cover the entire scalp. Hair transplant is not advised for certain causes of hair loss such as alopecia of a scarring nature.