Profhilo Body Now At Aesthetic Options

You may have heard of Profhilo for the face, hands, neck, and decolletage, well Profhilo Body Now At Aesthetic Options.

Profhilo body is a treatment that targets the skin of the body, particularly the abdomen and inner arms and helps to remodel and improve skin laxity.

Research into the aesthetic industry has shown that 80% of our time is dedicated to treating the face with only 20% dedicated to the body. But when it comes to women’s bodies, in particular, the most common body imperfection is skin laxity of the abdomen and the inner arms. This is dependent on many factors and does not affect all women at a specific age.

Currently the only injectable treatment specifically intended for the treatment of body skin laxity, Profhilo body delivers the highest concentration of ultrapure hyaluronic acid produced using a unique and patented technology.

What causes skin laxity?

As we age, genetic and environmental influences such as our lifestyle and our habits cause changes within the skin. This leads to the skin experiencing reduced skin hydration as well as alteration of collagen and elastic fibers within it. Collagen within the skin is what gives its strength and elastin gives elasticity. Losing skin laxity will cause your skin to lose its structural integrity and begin to droop.

Prevention is better than cure and addressing this early can prevent worsening of skin laxity.

How does Profhilo Body work?

During the injection, the optimal quantity of hyaluronic acid is brought directly into the tissue where it does three things:

  1. It encourages the multiplication of the correct type of skin cells (proliferation).
  2. It improves cell movement and relocation (migration).
  3. It promotes their arrangement (organisation) within the tissue. Additionally, it opposes any damage to normal skin tissue by free radicals in this region. The result is skin remodeling with improvement in skin laxity.

What does the treatment involve?

After an in-depth consultation with the Aesthetic Options team, the area to be treated is marked out and cleaned. A specified amount of Profhilo body is injected at each point to maximise the results.

Following this, a soothing and moisturizing body patch is applied to the treated area. This contains 4 different ingredients to soothe and hydrate the skin immediately after treatment. You will go home with the body patch and leave it on for 2-3 hours. You will also be given a toning serum to use of the treated area between sessions. This is best applied once or twice daily and gently massaged until completely absorbed.

For optimal results, you will require 2 treatments one month apart and this course is repeated every 6 months.