The Power Of Prelox For Men

Managing the ageing process is not only about how you look, but how you feel and the confidence you exude. For many men, self-confidence is linked to sexual confidence which is why we recommend the power of Prelox For Men.

Developed by the team at Lamelle, Prelox Male Enhancement and Prelox Fertility Support are scientifically formulated for maximum efficacy.

Prelox Male Enhancement is designed to help men to respond to their partner’s stimulation. Proven effective in both the short and long-term, trials of this product showed the following results:

  • Restored erection quality reported as early as day 1
  • 80% of men saw restored erection function in the first month
  • There was a 66% improvement in erection function in the first 3 months
  • Increased 78% improvement in erection function in the first 6 months

Prelox Male Fertility
 is specially formulated to improve sperm health and male fertility, thanks to a patented complex blend of Pycnogenol® and L-arginine. During trials of Prelox Fertility, we saw these remarkably encouraging results after 1 month:

  • Improved sperm concentration by 83%
  • Increased sperm health by 60.9%
  • Increased sperm motility (movement) by 55.5%

Prelox Male Enhancement and Prelox Fertility Support are available at Aesthetic Options.