Why A Chemical Peel?

Why a Chemical Peel? Fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, pore size, acne, pigmentation, and more, chemical peels deal with all these skin issues, making this aesthetic treatment one of the most sought-after available.

A chemical peel is a powerful skin exfoliating solution applied to the face, neck, or hands and peels back the old layers of skin to reveal smooth and clear skin underneath. Chemical peels improve the texture of the skin through a process of controlled injury which promotes the growth of new skin cells and results in regenerated tissue that is smoother and firmer.

Chemical peels range in strength and are usually described according to how deep they penetrate the skin. There are three types of peels available: superficial, medium and deep. The depth of the peel depends on the pH of the chemical agent and how it is applied.

Still asking why a chemical peel? Here are a few key benefits:

  1. The Treatment of  Acne
    A peel cleanses the skin thoroughly and reveals a fresh new layer of skin, without the acne. Peels for acne work best when received in a series and as part of a skin care regime.
  2. Minimizing Pores
    Removing the outer, often damaged layer of skin with a peel has the benefit of making pores look smaller.
  3. Erasing Fine Lines and Wrinkles
    These chemical solutions can permanently remove fine lines and ease even the toughest wrinkles.
  4. Fades Discoloration
    Sunspots, discoloration, and hyperpigmentation are common concerns well treated by a series of chemical peels.
  5. Lifts Skin
    Skin lifting is one of the incredible benefits a peel offers.
  6. Soothes Scarring
    The visibility of scars is greatly reduced when exposed to the chemicals found in a peel.
  7. Balances Texture
    Peels bring balance to the overall texture of the skin, reducing uneven skin tone and blemishes.
  8. Smooths Skin
    By lifting rigid layers of skin from the face, neck, or hands, chemical peels leave behind a smooth clear skin.
  9. Non-Invasive Treatment
    This treatment is one of the most effective options not requiring needles or surgery.
  10. Customized Treatment
    Chemical peels can be customised according to skin types and concerns, ensuring each client receives the maximum benefit.

Chemical Peel In-Clinic Information

  • Procedure time: 10-15 minutes (depending on the type of peel you have)
  • Downtime: 3-5 days
  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • Results seen in: 4-6 sessions

Why a chemical peel? Book a consult through Thandeka, our client engagement manager and see for yourself.