Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Sexuality is a remarkable phenomenon that relies on multiple factors to create a cascade of events to produce arousal. Optimal sexual health requires an intimate balance of psychological, neurological, hormonal and vascular function.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD)?

FSD is a condition that falls on a spectrum of symptoms where a woman experiences difficulty with sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, or pain during sexual activity.

Is FSD common?

Yes, FSD is a common condition affecting many women of all ages.

What causes FSD?

There are many causes of FSD, including hormonal imbalances, menopause, vaginal dryness, relationship issues, and underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and neurological disorders.

How is FSD diagnosed?

FSD can be diagnosed by a healthcare provider through a physical exam, medical history review, sexual function questionnaire and blood tests.

Is it normal to experience changes in sexual function as I age?

Yes, it is normal for women to experience changes in sexual function as they age. However, these changes should not prevent a woman from experiencing sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

Can FSD impact my relationship?

FSD can have a negative impact on a woman’s relationship if not addressed and treated. It is important for women experiencing sexual difficulties to discuss their symptoms with their partner and healthcare provider to find appropriate treatment options.

What are the treatments for FSD?

Treatment options for FSD can include medication, relationship counselling, and lifestyle changes, and may often involve a combination of approaches. At our Female Wellness Clinic at Aesthetic Options, we offer O-Shot therapy with platelet rich plasma (PRP), FemiLift laser rejuvenation and hormone balancing to address the entire spectrum of female sexual dysfunction symptoms.

Are the treatments for FSD safe?

The treatments for FSD have been thoroughly tested and are considered safe. However, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the potential risks and benefits of each treatment before starting therapy.